"Flat Panel" cabinet doors means the door has a recessed panel that retains the same recess across the entire panel face. (Some have a "reverse raise" so that there is a raised panel on the backside only. This reverse raise allows for a thicker panel.) "Shaker" doors are a subset of flat panel doors that typically have very square edges on the door's frame. The term has been expanded in recent years to include other options, like beaded profiles or sloped edges, so you can define the style to fit your needs.
While every effort is made to keep this site up-to-date with current manufacturer specifications, actual availability and options are determined by the manufacturer and will be confirmed during the quoting and ordering process.
How to use this page: You selected "Flat Panel", so our Shaker-style and other flat panel door options are shown. You can select a different option from the menu, or you can click "View Categories" and make a choice there.
Click any door to get a larger view. Once selected, you can click "View Drawers" to see the drawer front styles that are most complementary to that door. If you find one you like, you can "Add to Favorites". Once one or more Favorites are chosen, you can print them so that you can refer to them later (Sorry, but we do not save the Favorites after you leave this page).